Illustration of brain and cranes

Graduate Training

The professional and intellectual development of the graduate student body is fundamental to progress, innovation and collaboration across the Center for Neuroscience. The graduate experience is strongly enriched by an impressive number of NIH pre-doctoral training programs available at UC Davis, many of which offer exceptional educational, professional and career development opportunities. Seven programs routinely support graduate students studying aspects of the mind and brain, three of which are administered by the Center for Neuroscience.  A growing focus of many campus training programs is to support the success of underrepresented groups in STEM. Additional learning and professional opportunities are found through various workshops, bootcamps and seminar series available across the UC Davis campus.


Offering exceptional training in the neurosciences

The Center for Neuroscience administers three NIH-funded training programs for predoctoral students at various stages in their research career. These programs offer a core curriculum and custom training activities as well as financial support for student tuition/fees, stipend and travel.

UC Davis offers a comprehensive selection of over 100 graduate programs, many of which have earned prestigious recognition for their academic excellence, faculty and student achievements. Center for Neuroscience graduate students are affiliated with nearly a tenth of the graduate programs across campus, from neuroscience and psychology to applied mathematics and computer science. the graduate programs are often arranged as interdisciplinary groups, providing students the intellectual freedom to transcend disciplines and areas of research.

The academic experience is greatly enriched by a number of campus-wide programs and resources available at the graduate level - many of which are highlighted below.