Position Title
Associate Professor of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
- Core Faculty, Center for Neuroscience
- (530) 732-1887
- dfioravante@ucdavis.edu
- Fioravante Lab
- UC Davis Memory and Plasticity Program
- Publications
Synaptic Neurophysiology, Plasticity, Learning and Memory
Research Summary
We are interested in understanding mechanisms and functional implications of plasticity in small neural networks in the context of learning and memory. Our toolbox includes transgenic/knockout mouse models, slice electrophysiology, optophysiology, calcium imaging, molecular biology techniques and animal behavior assays.
We are looking for creative, highly motivated graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to join our group. Talented undergraduate students with a strong science background are also welcomed. Interested candidates should email Diasynou directly (dfioravante@ucdavis.edu).
For postdoctoral fellows in particular, we are looking for scientists with a PhD in neuroscience or a related field with background in any of the following: protein biochemistry (protein phosphorylation), electrophysiology, advanced imaging techniques or rodent behavior. Applicants should have demonstrated productivity. International applicants proficient in oral and written English are welcome to apply.
The fellows will benefit from a dynamic and highly collaborative environment in the Center for Neuroscience as well as opportunities to interact with the extended scientific community at UC Davis, which ranks among the top 10 public research universities in the US. They will also enjoy the lifestyle of northern California. These are full-time positions, with salary commensurate to NIH scale and health benefits. Interested candidate postdocs should e-mail a CV and a brief cover letter with contact information for two references. UC Davis is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
Select Publications
Chu* Y, Fioravante* D, Leitges M, Regehr WG. Calcium-Dependent PKC Isoforms Have Specialized Roles in Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity, Neuron 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2014.04.003
Yamada* T, Yang* T, Hemberg M, Yoshida T, Cho HY, Murphy PJ, Fioravante D, Regehr W, Gyri S, Georgopoulos K, Bonni A. Promoter Decommissioning by the NuRD Chromatin Remodeling Complex Triggers Synaptic Connectivity in the Mammalian Brain. Neuron 2014, In press.
Chu Y, Fioravante D, Thanawala M, Leitges M, Regehr WG. Calcium-dependent isoforms of protein kinase C mediate glycine-induced synaptic enhancement at the calyx of Held. J Neurosci. 2012 Oct 3;32(40):13796-804.
Fioravante D, Myoga MH, Leitges M, Regehr WG. Adaptive regulation maintains posttetanic potentiation at cerebellar granule cell synapses in the absence of calcium-dependent PKC. J Neurosci. 2012 Sep 19;32(38):13004-9.
Fioravante D, Regehr WG. Short-term forms of presynaptic plasticity. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2011 Apr;21(2):269-74. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2011.02.003. Epub 2011 Feb 23. Review.
Fioravante* D, Chu* Y, Myoga MH, Leitges M, Regehr WG. Calcium-dependent isoforms of protein kinase C mediate posttetanic potentiation at the calyx of Held. Neuron. 2011 Jun 9;70(5):1005-19. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2011.04.019.
Crowley JJ, Fioravante D, Regehr WG. Dynamics of fast and slow inhibition from cerebellar golgi cells allow flexible control of synaptic integration. Neuron. 2009 Sep 24;63(6):843-53. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2009.09.004.
Beierlein M, Fioravante D, Regehr WG. Differential expression of posttetanic potentiation and retrograde signaling mediate target-dependent short-term synaptic plasticity. Neuron. 2007 Jun 21;54(6):949-59.
Fioravante D, Byrne JH. Protein degradation and memory formation. Brain Res Bull. 2011 Apr 25;85(1-2):14-20. doi: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2010.11.002. Epub 2010 Nov 13.
Hart AK, Fioravante D, Liu RY, Phares GA, Cleary LJ, Byrne JH. Serotonin-mediated synapsin expression is necessary for long-term facilitation of the Aplysia sensorimotor synapse. J Neurosci. 2011 Dec 4;31(50):18401-11.
Collado MS, Khabour O, Fioravante D, Byrne JH, Eskin A. Post-translational regulation of an Aplysia glutamate transporter during long-term facilitation. J Neurochem. 2009 Jan;108(1):176-89.
Fioravante D, Liu RY, Byrne JH. The ubiquitin-proteasome system is necessary for long-term synaptic depression in Aplysia. J Neurosci. 2008 Oct 8;28(41):10245-56.
Liu* RY, Fioravante* D, Shah S, Byrne JH. cAMP response element-binding protein 1 feedback loop is necessary for consolidation of long-term synaptic facilitation in Aplysia. J Neurosci. 2008 Feb 20;28(8):1970-6.
Fioravante D, Liu RY, Netek AK, Cleary LJ, Byrne JH. Synapsin regulates Basal synaptic strength, synaptic depression, and serotonin-induced facilitation of sensorimotor synapses in Aplysia. J Neurophysiol. 2007 Dec;98(6):3568-80. Epub 2007 Oct 3.
Fioravante D, Smolen PD, Byrne JH. The 5-HT- and FMRFa-activated signaling pathways interact at the level of the Erk MAPK cascade: potential inhibitory constraints on memory formation. Neurosci Lett. 2006 Apr 3;396(3):235-40. Epub 2005 Dec 13.
Mohamed HA, Yao W, Fioravante D, Smolen PD, Byrne JH. cAMP-response elements in Aplysia creb1, creb2, and Ap-uch promoters: implications for feedback loops modulating long term memory. J Biol Chem. 2005 Jul 22;280(29):27035-43. Epub 2005 May 11.
Angers* A, Fioravante* D, Chin J, Cleary LJ, Bean AJ, Byrne JH. Serotonin stimulates phosphorylation of Aplysia synapsin and alters its subcellular distribution in sensory neurons. J Neurosci. 2002 Jul 1;22(13):5412-22.
Byrne JH, Antzoulatos EG, and Fioravante D. Aplysia: Neural and molecular mechanisms of simple forms of learning: sensitization, classical conditioning, and operant conditioning. In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Third Edition, eds. Adelman G. and Smith B.H., Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 2004.
Byrne JH, Fioravante D, and Antzoulatos EG. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of associative and nonassociative learning. In: Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation, eds. Selzer M., Clarke S., Cohen L.G., Duncan P.W., and Gage F.H. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Vol. I, pp. 79-94, 2006.
Fioravante D, Antzoulatos EG, and Byrne JH. Sensitization and habituation: Invertebrate. In: J. David Sweatt (Ed.), Molecular Mechanisms of Memory. Vol. 4 of Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference (4 vols.) (J. Byrne Editor). Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 31-50, 2008.
Byrne JH, Antzoulatos EG and Fioravante D (2009) Learning and Memory in Invertebrates: Aplysia. In: Squire LR (ed.) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, volume 5, pp. 405-412. Oxford: Academic Press.
Antzoulatos EG and Fioravante D (2010) Foreword. In : Nikoletseas M.M. Behavioral and Neuronal Plasticity.
Byrne JH, Fioravante D, and Antzoulatos EG. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of associative and nonassociative learning. In Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation, 2nd Edition, eds. Selzer M., Clarke S., Cohen L.G., Duncan P.W., and Gage F.H. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, in press.
Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior