The Principles of Community
The UC Davis Center for Neuroscience is committed to fostering an inclusive, diverse and enriching environment for our students, trainees, staff and faculty. We welcome all people of diverse backgrounds and identities who are dedicated to advancing the understanding and treatment of brain disease. We aim to foster an inclusive, safe and enriching environment for our students, staff and faculty and are fully committed to the promise of the UC Regents Diversity Statement and the campus’s Principles of Community - pillars for a common vision of diversity and inclusiveness at UC Davis. We serve the neuroscience community regardless of religion, disability, socioeconomic background, race, gender, age or sexual orientation.
The Center partners with leaders, faculty, staff and students to address implicit and explicit bias, racism and structural inequalities within the neuroscience community. We support and invest in strategic efforts to enhance diversity, equity and inclusion in the neurosciences, and we encourage our students, staff and faculty in creating new resources such as:

Seminar Outreach for Minority Advocacy (SOMA)
Initiated by two neuroscience graduate students in 2017, SOMA is a robust and enriching student- run program that highlights the work and stories of underrepresented scientists

Neuroscience Initiative to Enhance Diversity (NIED)
Designed for undergraduates from disadvantaged or underrepresented backgrounds who are interested in pursuing an advanced degree in the neurosciences, Center for Neuroscience faculty and trainees provide sophomore, junior and senior undergraduate students with hands-on skill-building workshops, mini lectures on graduate school and the admissions process and peer mentorship

Center for Neuroscience Community Outreach Program
Faculty and graduate trainees bring brain science and education to K-12 schools throughout the Northern California region and through our annual NeuroFest community event, increasing access for people of all ages and diverse backgrounds
We encourage you learn about how our campus is making strategic investments in diversity, equity and inclusion, to visit the many additional campus programs, centers and resources and find more information on the College of Biological Sciences page.